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Yasmeen Afifah

Having a passion for copywriting and enthusiast in digital marketing since the beginning, I have some experience in copywriting in various platform (social media & website), manage digital campaign & social media activities, and content writing.

Surf down to the works I've done ;)

Social Media Experience: Copywriting, Managing, Optimizing

Skills I've done as a Social Media Specialist at several well-known brands.

  • Create digital content to  build brand awareness and engagement rate in social media
  • Manage and supervise social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok)
  • Create, develop, and manage digital campaign & social media activities
  • Create social media monthly report to gain insight and optimize it.


    • Create, develop, and managed content retainer & digital activity.
    • Managed to get 15% ER and more than 73,900,000 reach number in 9 months (Instagram and Facebook)
    • On average getting more than 650 participants and almost 1000 submissions in each digital activity.


    • Create, develop, and managed content retainer & digital activity.
    • Managed to get 12.4% ER and more than 11,300,000 reach number in 4 months (Instagram and Facebook)
    • On average getting more than 30 participants and almost 70 submissions in each digital activity.

    Pokémon Festival Jakarta

    • Create and develop content during the Pokémon Festival on Instagram
    • Managed to get 2.1% ER and more than 1,900,000 reach number during pre-event to post-event (2.5 months)
    • Managed to get 205 additional followers over the past month.

    Big Digital Campaign (Happydent Race To Win)

    Happydent Race to Win is a digital campaign leads to sales that invites users to buy as many Happydent as they can to win the prizes. The more Happydent purchases made, the greater the chance to win to win the prizes.

    Succesfully achieved around Rp850 billions amount of sales and more than 3.500 submissions in just 42 days.

    What I've done:

    • Create and develop all contents that posted on social media
    • Managed the campaign and make sure it runs well
    • Create copies on Microsite (UX Writing)

    Happydent Race to Win Banner Homepage on Microsite

    Happydent Race to Win Leaderboard Page on Microsite

    Content Writing

    4 Kuliner Khas Singapura Ini Wajib Dicoba Para Pecinta Kuliner

    Bertandang ke Singapura jangan hanya belanja dan berkunjung ke tempat-tempat wisata nya aja, sobatgenz! Singapura nyatanya juga memiliki berbagai kuliner yang lezat-lezat lho! Kuliner Singapura terkenal unik karena menjadi saksi dari percampuran berbagai budaya yang sudah terjadi berabad-abad lalu di Singapura, diantaranya budaya Melayu, Tionghoa, dan India. Karena keunikannya, sobatgenz harus mencoba 4 kuliner khas Singapura yang akan diulas dibawah ini.

    3 Destinasi Wisata Paling Wajib Dikunjungi di Kota Semarang

    Sebagai ibu kota Propinsi Jawa Tengah dan menyandang gelar sebagai kota metropolitan terbesar kelima di Indonesia, Semarang telah menjadi salah satu kota yang cukup sering dikunjungi wisatawan, baik karena ada urusan tertentu, mengunjungi kerabat, atau murni hanya karena ingin berplesiran. Dibalik sisi metropolitan khas ibu kota propinsi, Semarang menyimpan banyak sekali pilihan
    wisata yang layak dikunjungi!

    Origin Bag (UMKM Tangsel) Project

    Made a copy and the presentation design for Origin Bag's 2021 Catalogue

    Sertifikat Kompetensi Pranata Humas Penyelia

    I got a Public Relation Supervisor Certificate of Competence, published by Indonesian Professional Certification Authority (BNSP). 

    Public relation competency test that I did included design and develop documents, reports, and worksheets, creating clipings, creating activity documentation, carry out internal gathering activities and special events, carrying out seminars, conferences, and workshops, media monitoring, and conducting a press conference.

    Organization Experience

    I joined an organization named Himpunan Mahasiswa Vokasi (Himavo) Micro IT in IPB. In the first year I joined, I'm a staff in Journalistic Department.

    In the second year I joined Himavo Micro IT, I was given the opportunity and responsibility to become the head of Journalistic Department. 

    We did several projects in Journalistic Department itself like made writing and public speaking workshop, etc., and made several projects for the organization, such as organizing in several IT and journalistic events and trained journalistic lessons to some of highschool students in Bogor.

    Volunteering Experience

    Ecobrick’s Counseling & Workshop was a final project from the campus where we had to designed a counseling program about the environment to the villagers that had been determined by the campus. The Ecobrick's Counseling & Workshop held in Babakan Sukamantri Village, West Bogor from October - December 2018.

    I served as the chief executive of this counseling, and had the responsibility for lead and organized all the committees so that the event was in accordance with the vision and all the plans that have been determined, and made an accountability report (LPJ) with the secretary.

    Get In Touch With Me

    For works, projects, or collaborations, you can contact me via email to

    or just simply click the box below

    For Knowing Me Better